
  • Bad Argument,  Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    Phil Robertson: Everything Wrong With Religion in a Nut(job)shell

    NOTE: This is my longest rant. So far. And I’ve been doing this site for five years. Just wanted to warn you. – Chris Last time Phil Robertson, host of Duck Dynasty, said something stupid, I didn’t say much. I might have said something on Facebook along the lines of “He’s a dude who looks like he’s in ZZ Top, what do you expect?” A lot of people agreed with me. I support freedom of speech, and think it even includes bigots. As Bill Maher said, when Hank Williams Jr. said something stupid, “Hank Williams Junior can say some ignorant shit on Fox News without the good people demanding he…

  • Politics,  Rant

    Holly Fisher is a Derpy Deluded Dipshit

    As of 10 minutes ago, I had no clue who Ms. Fisher was. Then I read this article. What I saw was so infuriating, that I had to rant about it. Here’s the story from what I can gather. Holly Fisher is a “real ‘murican”. Shortly after the Supreme Court issued their flood gate opening ruling that allowed companies with strongly held beliefs (not sure how a company can have beliefs, but whatever), Ms. Fisher took a photo wearing a pro life shirt, holding a Chik-fil-A cup, in front of a Hobby Lobby. Basically a big ball of bigoted yarn.

  • Politics,  Religion

    Intro to Religion

    With ISIS and the ongoing fighting in the Middle East, I thought it would be interesting to explore the religious side of the topic. There are many contributing factors, so I’m not saying religion is the only cause, but it is part of it. Let’s start with some basics.

  • Biography,  Life,  Politics,  Rant

    Biography: J. Edgar Hoover

    It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. Some of you don’t recognize this name. Those of you who do will have very polarized opinions of him. J. Edgar Hoover was one of the most powerful people in the country, yet he wasn’t the President, Vice President, or a Supreme Court Justice. He ran the FBI… for almost 50 years. During that time he was either a creative detective, or the beginning of the end of privacy (depending on how you view it). Many of the NSA issues in the news lately, could largely be attributed, or at least inspired by, J. Edgar Hoover.

  • Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    In Which I Try To Say Positive Things

    If you’ve spent longer than 5 minutes on this site or in my company, you know I complain about everything. For the sake of challenging myself, both creatively and as a writer, I asked my friends to name topics about which I had to say nice things. The goal here was for them to take things that are generally bad or have negative connotations, and I had to find the bright side in them. I only got three suggestions, the first one being ridiculously easy. So to fill in this article, I picked my most common complaints to see if I could say nice things about them too. Well let’s…

  • Politics,  Rant

    Columbus Day

    I think it’s quite disturbing that we celebrate Columbus Day. I mean, first of all, Columbus wasn’t the first European to find the New World. That was Leif Erickson 500 years earlier. But that’s not really the point. The point is that Christopher Columbus killed almost as many people as Adolf Hitler.

  • Politics,  Rant,  Religion


    “Without God, what’s to stop you from killing people?” It’s an interesting concept that almost every theist asks an atheist. The logic is that god gave the Ten Commandments to give us morality. Without that morality, we would have anarchy. Now any rational person knows this is utter nonsense. What happened before the Ten Commandments? Why are certain crimes absent from the Decalogue? Most importantly, honestly, what would the world be like without the Ten Commandments?

  • Politics,  Rant

    Stand Your Ground… and stop this nonsense

    So at first I didn’t want to mention this George Zimmerman case because it seemed too obvious. Instead let’s talk about the Stand Your Ground law in general, and Marissa Alexander in particular. In case you missed it, Ms. Alexander, like Zimmerman, lives in Florida. Also like Zimmerman, she felt threatened and took action. And… that’s where the similarities end.