Rant,  Religion

Why I Openly and Adamantly Attack Religion

I have kind of talked about this before. Religious persecution. What a silly concept. I recently watched a YouTube video. It talked about how atheists attacking religion is “offensive”.

It made me think of the phrase “militant atheist”. Unlike many in the atheist community, I wear the title like a badge of honor. I have realized that the only way for society to progress is to move religion to the dusty pages of history. If I have to stand on my virtual soap box and tell you that your beliefs are fucking moronic, and shame you into hiding your ideas from the world, so be it.

I’m not blowing up buildings. I’m not beheading people who disagree with me. I’m not telling children that they’re broken and unless they believe what you believe, they’re going to hell. I write a fucking blog. You fucking hypochondriac pussies.

Here’s the thing that no one wants to talk about. THEY STARTED IT. For centuries, religion has influenced governments, even to the point where kings would get orders from the pope. In the 60s, people were worried President Kennedy would do that, so he had to tell people that his religion didn’t influence his policies. Now, many Americans refuse to vote for someone UNLESS religion DOES influence his policies.

Once religion came to power, they went balls to the walls crazy with power lust. They killed anyone who stood in their way. They fought against each other over the correct way to worship their sky faerie. They killed each other over which sky faerie to worship. They killed people for not believing in their sky faerie. They tortured people until they accepted their religion.

But yeah, I’m attacking you. They seriously want me to think they are the victims? Just because they are not longer in charge, and have no real way to intimidate me, any discussion is seen as a vicious and evil assault. You can talk, question, and even challenge someone’s political beliefs. You can talk, question, and even challenge someone’s choices in relationships. Yet if you so much as ask for clarification about someone’s imaginary wizard, you’re oppressing them. Fucking hypocrites.

Look. I have said this a million times. If you, for whatever reason, need to pretend there’s a god to get you through your day, fine. Keep it to yourself. If you idiots would stop proselytizing, I will too. As long as you don’t try to infect my life with your lunacy, I don’t care what superstitions you hold. When you affect laws, then you need to back the fuck up.

Don’t like gays? Don’t marry someone with the same gender. Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. You have NO RIGHT to limit other people’s options because they go against your beliefs. If you do, then I have EVERY RIGHT to limit your options. See how that works? It’s called equality. If you belittle others, I get to belittle you.

Another reason I speak out, is because many people don’t truly understand what atheism is. Be it that atheism is a religion, or that atheists hate god, or whatever. The truth is that atheism is the rejection of theistic claims. That’s it. That’s all it is.

I also want to make secret atheists feel comfortable coming out of hiding. The problem is that many, if not most, atheists have religious families. If they are open and honest with their families about their lack of belief, they might be outcast or ostracized from their family. They shouldn’t be afraid to speak their minds.

I’m interested in what is real. If a religious person can demonstrate that their beliefs are justified, I’ll listen and consider their evidence. Until then, I don’t believe. That’s because I’m a rational human being. I like to think about things. I like to come to conclusions based on evidence, not revelation. I like proof, not faith. Science, not fantasy.

Here’s the thing. Religion can’t kill me anymore. I’m not afraid of them. They’ve lost their power. Every year, the religious hold on the mind of society weakens. I can’t take all of the credit for that. But it’s people like me, who stand up and challenge preconceived notions of deities, who rely on verifiable and testable evidence rather than a book written thousands of years ago, who are encouraging people to think for themselves. They are the ones who are helping rid the world of that pestilence known as religion. That is why I attack religion.

My name is Chris. I currently live in Seattle, though I’m formerly from California. I'm a writer, comic, and superhero (allegedly). I complain. A lot. About everything. I also tell jokes.

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