
  • Politics,  Rant

    Fun With Numbers: 2016 Presidential Election

    I’m writing this March 8th, 2016, so there are quite a few caucuses (caucii?) to go. That said, the media has been doing absolutely everything they can to diminish Bernie Sanders as a candidate, and everything he’s accomplished so far. In full disclosure, even though I’m not a journalist, and this website is just for me to complain about stuff and make dick jokes, I am a supporter of Bernie Sanders, and plan to vote for him in the WA caucus, later this month.

  • Life,  Politics,  Rant

    Chris Explains Rap Lyrics to White People

    So yeah. I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel for topics. Writer’s block is a bitch. Anyway. There’s a huge cultural difference between African Americans and European Americans. Caucasians. Crackers. Whatever. We white people have almost no clue what it’s like, and especially what it has been like, to be black in America. Nowhere is this more apparent than in language. Well, police brutality, but also language. I’ve been told that I understand black culture pretty well. For a honky, anyway. As a public service, I’m going to try to explain lyrics to rap songs, so that white people can hopefully gain a little understanding and perspective.

  • Life,  Rant

    The Lunacy That is Language

    For the love of the Great Keanu, can we please streamline language? I’m not sure if all languages are like this, but in English based languages, it is absurd to the point of illogical incomprehensibility. I love language. I love the ability of being able to convey concepts and thoughts and identity to others, and that they can understand the gestures and verbal sounds we utter. Even that is limited, though. Over the eons, our languages have evolved. I mean that literally, as they have changed slowly over time. Our modern American (which I maintain is a cousin to, but not the same as, English) evolved from Olde English (mixed with Spanish and…

  • Rant

    Sexual Repression

    As the Nubian philosophers Salt and Pepper once suggested, let us talk about sexytimes. Baby. If that makes you uncomfortable, then you’re proving my point. When it comes to sexuality, we in the US and most of the Middle East are a bunch of babies. At least babies get to see tits.

  • Bad Argument,  Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    Phil Robertson: Everything Wrong With Religion in a Nut(job)shell

    NOTE: This is my longest rant. So far. And I’ve been doing this site for five years. Just wanted to warn you. – Chris Last time Phil Robertson, host of Duck Dynasty, said something stupid, I didn’t say much. I might have said something on Facebook along the lines of “He’s a dude who looks like he’s in ZZ Top, what do you expect?” A lot of people agreed with me. I support freedom of speech, and think it even includes bigots. As Bill Maher said, when Hank Williams Jr. said something stupid, “Hank Williams Junior can say some ignorant shit on Fox News without the good people demanding he…

  • Rant,  Religion

    Chapel Hill: Violence, Parking, and Religion

    If you’ve paid attention to the news in the last few days, you’ve no doubt heard of the murder of three people in one of the Carolinas. For the rest of you, I’ll catch you up. On Tuesday, February 10th, Craig Stephen Hicks (because of course his last name is Hicks) allegedly shot three students in the head, execution style. While the motive is as of yet unknown, the fact that the three victims were Muslim, and Mr. Hicks’ online posts declaring his hatred of religion, has sparked the possibility that this was an anti-religious shooting.

  • Life,  Rant,  Relationships

    Voluntary Sterilization

    I just finished reading an article titled, “Why Can’t I Get Sterilised In My 20s?” Wait. Shouldn’t it be “steriliZed”? Anyway. It reminded me of the frustration I faced when I tried to get a vasectomy. While most of this rant will be about my story, I did want to address a few things I found in Ms. Brockwell’s article.

  • Life,  Rant

    Celebrity Nude Leaks / Victim Blaming

    I didn’t have enough material for a rant, so I picked a few related topics, and am combining them. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of The Fappening and/or The Snappening, where a ton of celebrity iCloud accounts and a ton of SnapChat files were hacked. Most healthy people would decry this as the invasion of privacy that it is. Oddly, there are a surprisingly high number of people who blame the victims.