• Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    Can Christians Truly be Conservatives?

    Quick disclaimer: I’m not going to really mock religion this time. This isn’t about whether Jesus actually existed or not. This isn’t about whether Conservatives are stupid or not. This is about whether Christian ideology matches Conservative ideology. Would Jesus actually be a Conservative? Do Conservatives actually like Jesus’ supposed message? That’s what this article is about. No judgement from me. Just a simple analysis about two ideologies that have lay together, as with a woman, so to speak.

  • Politics,  Rant

    Nazi Punching

    Ugh. Earlier this month I talked about the SJWs, and now I have to talk to liberals. At this point, I’m worried I’m starting to sound like Fox News, but nothing makes me want to try to enjoy NASCAR and fuck a relative more than a self righteous liberal hypocrite. I’ve already written about free speech. I don’t think I’ve written about Nazis, though. Mainly because it’s 20fucking17, and I thought we were done with this.

  • Politics,  Rant

    The Social Justice Movement

    Ugh. I’ve wanted to rant about this for a while, but haven’t had the energy to deal with the blowback, but fuck it. I’m offended by the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs). Triggered even. Luckily, I have this safe space to talk about it. So let’s sit back and imagine these precious snowflakes loose their shit, as if any of them actually read this website.

  • Politics,  Rant

    President Trump: How Did This Happen?

    As of 11:38 pm, PST, Donald Trump has won the 2016 Presidential Election by 150k votes. This means that in a few hours, Democrats across the country will wake up, check the results, and full of shock and horror, ask how this happened. “Surely, no one in their right mind would vote for that monster.” In that sentence, we made two mistakes that will haunt us. One, we were condescending to Trump voters, and Two, we underestimated them. I’m going to try to step out of myself and be as nonpartisan as I can, and I ask anyone reading this to step out of yourself for a moment, and try to look…

  • Politics,  Rant,  Religion

    The Gay Agenda vs My Idiot Parents

    This story is a few years old, but I was thinking about it the other day. My parents are fundamentalist Catholics. Think Glenn Beck, with less reasoning skills. They decided to remove my little brother from the Boy Scouts because “the gays were attacking”. Now that quote came from my brother who was like 12 at the time, and I’m sure he was just parroting whatever my parents told him.

  • Politics,  Rant

    The Case for Secession

    I could have sworn that I’ve ranted about this before, but I guess not. By now, some of you have seen some variation of the image above. If you google “dumbfuckistan” you’ll find everything from internet memes, to hats, to even panties for some reason. This makes me think of an idea I’ve had for years. Forced secession.

  • Politics,  Rant

    Fun With Numbers: 2016 Presidential Election

    I’m writing this March 8th, 2016, so there are quite a few caucuses (caucii?) to go. That said, the media has been doing absolutely everything they can to diminish Bernie Sanders as a candidate, and everything he’s accomplished so far. In full disclosure, even though I’m not a journalist, and this website is just for me to complain about stuff and make dick jokes, I am a supporter of Bernie Sanders, and plan to vote for him in the WA caucus, later this month.

  • Life,  Politics,  Rant

    Chris Explains Rap Lyrics to White People

    So yeah. I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel for topics. Writer’s block is a bitch. Anyway. There’s a huge cultural difference between African Americans and European Americans. Caucasians. Crackers. Whatever. We white people have almost no clue what it’s like, and especially what it has been like, to be black in America. Nowhere is this more apparent than in language. Well, police brutality, but also language. I’ve been told that I understand black culture pretty well. For a honky, anyway. As a public service, I’m going to try to explain lyrics to rap songs, so that white people can hopefully gain a little understanding and perspective.