• Rant,  Stupid


    I don’t know why, but something has happened to our society where the ability to effectively communicate has been lost. More than that, it has been shunned. People now take pride in their illiteracy. I often hear things like “well that’s just the way I speak” or “you know what I mean”. The worst is “I type the way I speak”. The last one implies that not only can they no longer proofread, but they are also idiots in real life, too.

  • Politics

    How I Would Fix the Economy

    The economy has been in the news almost constantly for the last few years, but no one seems to know what to do about it. It’s like asking a man what a woman wants. We have no clue. Magic seems to be the leading theory, though some believe that science will one day shed some light on the subject.

  • Life,  Politics,  Rant,  Relationships,  Stupid

    Birth Control Legislation

    Effective August 2012, all health plans must cover birth control and preventative screenings for women. The conservatives are against this because, well, because liberals support the idea. Now I may have voiced my opinions on reproduction in the past. I know. I never speak my mind. Anyway, my argument has been that people are having children, but not raising them properly. They grow up in dysfunctional family systems (addiction, abuse, neglect, etc), but society has brainwashed everyone to think that having children is the end-all/be-all of human life. So rather than treat the psychological and physical effects of this trauma, they just have their own children and pass the trauma…