• Wallpaper

    Which of Us Do You Love – Dual Wallpaper

    I was trying to learn how to photomanipulate mirrors. It’s a pain in the ass, by the way. I happened to be listing to Breath No More by Evanescence, and the song mentions looking into a mirror and feeling like it’s someone else. Thus for this picture, I purposefully have the model in two different poses. Plus I centered the “mirror” girl’s eye with the center of the crack. Mainly because it looks cool, but you can come up with some sort of bullshit artsy explanation if you want.

  • Wallpaper

    YinYang – Dual Wallpaper

    I was looking for a new dual monitor wallpaper. I wanted the wallpaper to be different on each monitor, while at the same time matching in some way. A yinyang seemed to work pretty well. Plus it gave me a chance to play with psuedo 3d and mirroring. On DeviantArt, this is by far one of my most popular submissions.

  • Rant

    Boycott Barnes and Noble

    Story time. In a couple of weeks I am going to have surgery. (Yay vasectomy) Because of this, I will be taking a week off of work. I figured this would be a great time to do some reading. I have been interested in the Middle East conflict for a while, and a friend recommended a history book on the subject. I looked on Barnes and Noble’s website and saw the book available new for $50. While I was looking around the site I saw the Harry Potter collection for $50 as well. I liked the movies and someone suggested I read the books too. I wasn’t intending on buying…

  • Politics,  Rant,  Stupid

    Dwight Benson is Public Enemy #1

    This is Dwight Benson. Dwight is 64 years old. Dwight was just arrested for his 13th DUI. Let me repeat that. Dwight was just arrested for his THIRTEENTH FUCKING DUI. You see, Benson was in the Navy for 30 years and served multiple tours in Vietnam. He started drinking during the war and has since racked up 18 reckless and alcohol related driving convictions, and more than a dozen other convictions for driving on suspended or invalid licenses. His family claims he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So that absolves him.

  • Life,  Rant,  Stupid

    Adoption Vs. Abortion

    I heard someone say “I don’t believe in adoption” recently. First off, you don’t “believe” in it? Like you don’t think it’s real? Secondly, saying “I don’t believe in adoption” is basically saying “I don’t believe in putting my child first” or “I don’t believe in giving my child a chance at a happy life”. Now, I won’t get into the debate about when life starts. I don’t care. For the sake of this post, let’s say that it’s a living organism that could grow into another fucked up person. As a parent, you have the ability, nay OBLIGATION, to raise the child to be a productive member of society.…

  • Politics,  Rant

    The Root of All Evil

    I firmly believe that the root of all of society’s problems is unfit parents. Crime is almost always perpetrated by child from a dysfunctional family. We are profoundly over populated. We just keep popping out more and more children.