
  • Rant


    I know everyone wants to be a unique little snow flake, but can we get some uni-god-damned-conformity in this country? I’m not saying that everyone needs to have the same hair cut or whatever, but certain things should be the same everywhere. Look at your phone. Does it have the “123” row on top or bottom? Now look at the number pad on your keyboard? THE OPPOSITE!

  • Rant,  Technology


    The legal question of my generation is piracy. Reproductive rights and gay rights are important, but piracy is the overall most important legal question. The funny thing is that piracy has existed since long before I was born. Even my parents copied shows from TV onto VHS. My friends copied tapes for each other. So why is it a problem now?

  • Rant

    Psychological Denial

    Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a passion for psychology. I would have become a doctor, except that I suck at math, and never took the SATs so I couldn’t get into a good school. Anyway, I still love to read about the mind and am amazed by the huge number of people who refuse to accept psychology.

  • Rant,  Religion

    Separation of Church and State

    Ok everyone. Hold on to your seats, because I’m going to yell. This is Tyler Alred. Tyler is 17. When Tyler was 16, he was drinking and drove. He crashed his truck and ejected his friend, who died on the spot. It is a very tragic, and far too common tale. What makes this different, is when the Judge, Mike Norman, sentenced Tyler to Church.

  • Bad Argument,  Rant

    The Anecdotal Fallacy and Case Studies

    Science is based on an ever increasing amount of knowledge. Ideas start as hypotheses. After experiments prove their accuracy, they become theories. The more tests confirm the hypothesis, the more likely the theory is correct. If, however, the tests do not support the hypothesis, we change the hypothesis to fit the new facts. There are different types of experiments science uses. We can do the double blind study, the blind study, and the case study.

  • Life,  Rant,  Religion

    A Short Story About Me

    A few months ago, my therapist asked when I realized I was an atheist. I didn’t have an answer. There was never a single moment where I realized I didn’t believe in god. It was more of a gradual process. Honestly, it started with laziness. Then it was anger. Finally logic.

  • Life,  Rant,  Religion

    Faith vs. Fact

    I’m often amazed that “faith” is considered a valid opinion. Faith is the belief in something without any proof. Fact is a conclusion supported by proof. They are opposites. If you have faith, you ignore facts. If you have facts, you don’t need faith. Consider this: Which would be more likely to sway your opinion? If I were to say that I believe the earth goes around the sun, or if I were to say that I can prove the earth goes around the sun?

  • Life,  Politics,  Rant,  Religion,  Stupid

    Education vs. Pregnancy

    The Center for Disease Control has found that the states that are most against things like “teaching safe sex”, “why you shouldn’t put butter in everything” or “reading”, are the states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy. I know. How unbelievable? You mean to say the uneducated pop out more kids? Why would they do that? Why would stupid people pass on their stupidity?

  • Politics,  Rant

    Minirant: Why We Need to Imitate the DMV

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. “The DMV? Where we wait in line for hours just to pay them money?” Yes. That one. Hear me out. In order to drive, you have to take a test. You have to prove that you can safely operate a vehicle. You have to prove that should an accident occur, you can pay for the damage you cause.

  • Life,  Rant,  Stupid

    Generation Moron

    I have noticed, lately, that we have an epidemic of stupid. Now, I know I complain about stupid people all the time, but I’m mainly talking about the generation after mine. The people born in the 90s. They seem to be the “now” generation. All they think about is right now. They can’t think about the future and consequences. They don’t care about history because, “that was a long time ago”.